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Audit Reports

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    Efficiency PnDC Bismark Cover
Report Number:
Report Type:
Audit Reports
Category: Service Performance

Efficiency of Operations at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center, Bismarck, ND

The U.S. Postal Service needs effective and productive operations to fulfill its mission of providing prompt, reliable, and affordable mail service to the American public. It has a vast transportation network that moves mail and equipment among approximately 280 processing facilities and 35,000 post offices, stations, and branches. The Postal Service is transforming its processing and logistics networks to become more scalable, reliable, visible, efficient, automated, and digitally integrated. This includes modernizing operating plans and aligning the workforce; leveraging emerging technologies to provide world-class visibility and tracking of mail and packages in near real time; and optimizing the surface and air transportation network. The U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General reviews the efficiency of mail processing operations at facilities across the country and provides management with timely feedback to further the Postal Service’s mission.

This report presents the results of our audit of the efficiency of operations at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) in Bismarck, ND. We selected the Bismarck, ND, P&DC based on congressional requests from U.S. Senators Tina Smith (MN) and Amy Klobuchar (MN), and U.S. Representatives Angie Craig (MN), Pete Stauber (MN), Betty McCollum (MN), Brad Finstad (MN), Tom Emmer (MN), Michelle Fischbach (MN), Dean Phillips (MN), and Ilhan Omar (MN) to conduct a full audit of mail operations in the Minnesota- North Dakota District. We reviewed mail processing performance indicators including first and last mile failures; workhours; scanning compliance; and late, canceled, and extra trips. The Bismarck P&DC is in the Midwest Processing Division and processes letters, flats, and packages. The Bismarck P&DC services multiple 3-digit ZIP Codes in urban and rural communities.

Report Recommendations

# Recommendation Status Value Initial Management Response USPS Proposed Resolution OIG Response Final Resolution

Properly allocate resources at the manual letter and flat operations units and verify the mail is sorted in time to meet dispatch daily at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center.

Closed $0 Agree

Verify supervisors at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center are trained on proper mail flow procedures in processing operations and verify these procedures are followed.

Closed $0 Agree

Identify and implement additional strategies to fill the supervisor of distribution operations vacancy.

Open $0 Agree

Train employees at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center on the correct trip classification and verify these procedures are followed.

Closed $0 Agree

Verify all drivers are using wheel chocks at the Bismarck Processing and Distribution Center.

Open $0 Agree